In its commission to serve the global engineering and technology community, acting as the successor of the UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education (UICEE), the WIETE launched the World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education (WTE&TE) on 14 July 2009, by releasing a Call for Articles to be included in Volume 7, Number 1.
The WTE&TE was established in 2002 with the objective to provide the international academic community with an opportunity to publish original articles on engineering and technology education.
In its reincarnation, it is anticipated that articles submitted to the journal will cover a wide and diverse range of topics and issues concerning contemporary problems and challenges in engineering and technology education that should be identified, addressed and discussed. Such topics include pedagogical and methodological issues, case studies, results of unique educational research, as well as cross-cultural, regional and country developments. Also, articles dealing with cross-disciplinary matters to promote and encourage interdisciplinary research, development and collaboration are particularly welcome.
We are indebt to Ms Dianne Q. Nguyen for her tremendous work on the journal’s new appearance at the WIETE’s site on the Internet |